Week #1: Who is Holden Caulfield?
- Choose an image to serve as the backdrop to your ThingLink.
- Add three buttons that include text evidence and commentary to explain the main image you and your partner chose.
Week #2: How is Holden changing?
- Add three buttons that indicate how Holden has changed over the last week’s worth of reading.
- What is he doing now that he wasn’t doing earlier?
- ONE of your three buttons needs to be multi-media. Consider a video, image, article, that elaborates on how or why Holden has reached this point.
Week #3: Time to help Holden.
- This week add three buttons that help explain why Holden needs help and what you think he should do to get the help he needs.
- ONE of your three buttons needs to be multi-media. Consider a video, image, article, that elaborates on how or why Holden has reached this point.
Personal Reflection Piece: You will write a one page summary that addressed the following:
- How did the ThingLink Process helped you understand Holden and the novel?
- What parts of the ThingLink do you anticipate being able to use in your paper?
Scoring Information: Each week (including personal reflection) is worth 10 points. To receive full credit you must address each of the guiding questions given in the weekly breakdown and include each type of multimedia when assigned.