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U. S. History: World War II

Learning Targets

1. I can explain to what extent World War I led to World War II.

 2. I can show how choices made by the United States during the 1930s impact the events leading up to World War II.

 3. I can analyze in how the role of government changes during a time of war.

 4. I can explain how important the home front was to victory in World War II.

 5.I can critique American military tactics/strategies utilized during World War II, to what extent did the end justify the means.

Library Resources

How to Create an Annotated Bibliography

How do I create an annotated bibliography?

1. List the completed bibliographical citation.

2. Explain the main purpose of the work.

3. Briefly describe the content.

4. Indicate the possible audience for the work.

5. Evaluate the relevance of the information.

6. Note any special features.

7. Warn readers of any defect, weakness, or  bias.

Click here for an example of an annotated bibliography.


B Layer Content


*Please note that some changes have been made to Thinglink since the creation of this tutorial. YouTube is no longer blocked (yay!), but some of the features of Thinglink are more limited, such as the choice of icon.

B and A Layer Timeline

B Layer:

  • Tuesday, 1/24: research sources; take notes; EasyBib project; sources due Wednesday
  • Wednesday, 1/25: Review Chicago style and Annotated Bib format; graphic organizer due Friday
  • Friday, 1/27: Create Thinglink/Annotated Bib. and email link to Winslow
  • *B Layer due 1/30* 

A Layer:

  • Monday, 1/30: In-Text citations, Outline Argument; Outline due Tuesday
  • Tuesday, 1/31:  Draft essay; Draft due Wednesday
  • Wednesday, 2/1: Peer Edits 
  • *A Layer due Friday, 2/3*

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