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U. S. History: Scardino: World War I

Your Tasks

1. Go to December 28th and pull up the "Intro to War" PowerPoint.  Finish taking notes in your packets.

2. Go through the videos from November 30th to help with your notes as well.

3. Go into your packets and do the 3 map activities of World War I before, during, and after the war.

Map Links

Online Pearson Textbook

Two of the maps can be found in your online textbooks in Topic 12.

 Map after WWI

This is the map after World War I ended.

World War I

Image result for world war 1

Learning Targets

The student will...

  • discuss the four MAIN long terms causes of World War I
  • discuss the reasons/events that brought the United States out of isolationism and into World War I
  • explain the purpose of Wilson's Fourteen Points and the impact of his speech
  • evaluate the political, economic, and social impact of World War I and the Treaty of Versailles
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