Friday, Nov. 4th: C Layer due
Wednesday, Nov. 9th: B Layer Due
Friday, Nov. 11th: A Layer Due
Wed., Nov. 16th: Test Day
Native Peoples Prezi
What was the Cuban reaction to the imperialism? What about the Hawaiian reaction? The Filipino reaction? Create a Prezi that represents these three groups reaction to the US annexing them during the time period of US Imperialism. Prezi must show original work, a high level of understanding of the reaction of the three nations, and must be neat, accurate, and aesthetically pleasing.
PowerPoint Mix
What was the Cuban reaction to the imperialism? What about the Hawaiian reaction? The Filipino reaction? Create a PowerPoint Mix that represents these three groups reaction to the US annexing them during the time period of US Imperialism. PowerPoint Mix must show original work, a high level of understanding the reaction of the three nations, and must be neat, accurate, and aesthetically pleasing.