Biome Project Timeline
Step 1: Monday, 5/4-Wed, 5/6
- Open/share group notes and make sure everyone can collaborate.
- Create a NoodleTools Project and share with group members
- Group notes and references due to Canvas by 5/8 @ end of hour!
- Once group notes are submitted, begin storyboarding using resources linked below.
Step 2: Thursday, 5/7-Friday, 5/8
- Complete the storyboard for your group's project, and include all necessary elements.
- Storyboard due to be checked @ end of hour Friday, 5/8!
Step 3: Monday, 5/11-Wednesday, 5/13 & Thursday 5/14
- Get brief tutorial over WeVideo
2. Film and edit your video!
Step 4: Friday, 5/15
- Export and submit your video to Canvas for your assignment and the discussion. Be sure to add your References!
- Video due by end of hour Friday, 5/15!
- Submit your group's video to the Canvas discussion, and reply with two facts you learned to others' discussions.