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Teen Issues You Tube Channel (7th grade ELA): Step Three: Prewriting


Prewriting: Create a Storyboard

Take a sheet of paper and fold it to create 8 squares on the front and back. The PSA will need to include the following:

  • an introduction (attention grabber/hook)
  • define the problem and who it impact
  • 5 subtopics with textual evidence from research
  • end slide (first names only, hour and citations for pictures and websites)


Your storyboard should include all sentences you will include on your PowerPoint.


Beginning Your Power Point

Once your story board has been approved, you may begin to create your Power Point using Google Drive. You may NOT add pictures until all the information has been added to your Power Point.When you have completed all Power Point slides, you will need to have it peer edited before moving on to step four. Save the Power Point to your folder.





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