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Teen Issues You Tube Channel (7th grade ELA): Step One: Internet Research


Each partner will add 10 or more facts to the group's research notes. No repetative facts.

Choose a color for your notes and add your initials to the end of each fact so your teacher can give Eyou credit.

State Library of Kansas

Click on the link above to research your topic.


Database for research


Questions to Think About

1.    What do you want your audience to know?

a.    Write a statement that DOES NOT include the word “I”.

2.    What support will you use to back up your statement?

a.    Find at least 5

b.    What statistics support your statement?

3.    What arguments might others have against what you have to say?

a.    Find at least 3

4.    How will you get your audience interested in what you have to say?

a.    Why will anyone want to watch your video?

b.    What is unique or interesting about the information you have to present?





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