2-7-25: Accessit Reminders, Fun ResourcesGood morning! A super short and super sweet blog post as we go into Super Bowl Weekend.
1-31-25: Interloans, Discard and Inventory Info, Database Request, PebbleGoPlease take 5 minutes to view a few Accessit reminders and updates. There are some other fun ideas too.
1-17-25: BV Care, Billing, Reports, and moreHappy Friday! Please click to read a few announcements. Thank you!
12-12: Interloans - funny ISBN issue, end of semester clean-up and moreHappy Friday! Interloan IMPORTANT update, Sunset old CIRC accounts and the old library libguide, and more.
12-5: Accessit Updates, πRefresh Accessit Management App, and βοΈ ReportsGood morning! Accessit Updates, Refreshing the Management App, Reports, and more
11-22: Order Reminder, Interloan Emails βοΈ, Web App - My Lists, And More πHappy Friday! AND Happy (almost) Thanksgiving break! Ordering Info, Web App - My Lists, Interloan Email, And More
11-7: Interloans Messenger Fixedβ, Explora Feedback Survey, Themed Dashboards π, Libguides Info 11-1 Updates: Accessit Things, Database Info, Reports Survey, School Photos11-1 Updates: Accessit Things, Database Info, Reports Survey, School Photos
Interloans Update - Message From Requestor Blank - Fixed 11-8Update: Accessit developers are working on the issue with the Message From Requestor box. Click the blog link for more information.
Interloans - Message from Requester BlankAccessit Glitch - Interloans placed within the Web App. Click for more information...
10-18: Tasks β , PL Resources π, Accessit Info π»It's Friday! View Tasks β , PL Resources π, Accessit Info π»
10-4: Database File Info β
, Dashboard Editing Feature π», Libguides - Awesome Font πHappy Friday! Database File Info, Dashboard Feature, LIbguides Awesome Font, SLJ Day of Dialog
9-27: Emails π, School Photos πΈ, Create Patrons π©βπ¦, Libguide and Dashboard TipsArchived Emails, Create Patron, School Photos, Libguide and Dashboard Tips
9-20 Update: Vendor Contact info, Power of a School LIbrarianVendor Contact info, Power of a School Librarian, Admin Meeting Feedback Link
9-13: Admin Meeting Follow-up, New Accessit Feature β€οΈοΈ, and Quick TipsAdmin Meeting Follow-Up, Accessit New Feature, Quick tips for using Libguides (Sec) or the Dashboard (Elem)
9-6 Updates: Tickets, Admin Meeting, Discards, and InstagramHappy Friday! TIckets, Admin Meeting, Discards, and Instagram
8-30 Updates: Directory and Online Resources8-30: Info about Noodletools, Ebsco, Library Directories and Library Para Training
8-22-2024 Updates8-16-2024 UpdatesLots of information about a lot of different things.
8-2-2024 UpdatesWelcome back! Circ account and dashboard info, charging/billing updated info, and other items.
5-20-24 Billing - Step 1 QuestionsProvides answers to common questions that I received today.
5-3-24 UpdateHappy Friday! *Feature Requests Update - Yay! *End of Year and Accessit *ILL Clean Up *LIbrary Systems Report *Social Media Round-Up