Happy Friday! See below for updates.

BV Care Tickets

When assisting teachers and students with technology issues, please do not submit tickets on their behalf. They need to submit the BV Care ticket. This allows IT to work directly with the patron having issues, and to gain enough detail to help solve the issue.  

I know you are doing everything you can to help the (most likely) frustrated staff member - we've been there and understand the reasoning. However, it puts you in the middle, going back and forth between the Digital Learning team and the classroom teacher.  

(Keep an iPad close by with the BV Care ticket page loaded.  Have a QR Code to the BV Care ticket page for students and staff to load the page. These suggestions will allow you to help the student/teacher put in a ticket.)

Administrator Meetings

Please have your annual administrator meeting by next Friday, September 13th. The week after, you will receive a follow-up survey for feedback on the form and the process from Cristy.

Ethnicity Data for Report Template - There have been a few questions on Ethnicity and that the placeholder is XX%. That is just a placeholder. You can share your school’s ethnic breakdown by %, or however you choose—broken down, totals, whole numbers, etc. The Other categories do not have to be used; they are just there in case there is other information you’d like to share. If you need access to school demographics, they can be found here. This is last year’s data, as the new data isn’t available until after Count Day on September 22nd.

For resources about the meeting, click here.


Prepping for Discard Day! 

Discards (Write-Offs) will not be picked up until November. Cristy will send out information closer to that date with details.  Some of you are weeding now to prepare for November.  We are using the Write-Off function for discards.  There are two ways to Write-Off items.

#1 Scan books individually in Accessit to Write-Off  
#2 Scan barcodes into a Google Sheet and then follow the steps in Accessit to Write-Off 

Click below for directions for options #1 and #2.

Directions (PW: library)


We love seeing all the many things you share on Instagram about your libraries. From lessons to favorite books, using social media tells a story about your space and the work you do! It is another way to advocate for libraries!

We love reposting many of your posts!  Here are the accounts we have so far - are we missing your account? Let us know.


Here are some other great library accounts to follow - 

School Library Journal - sljournal
Shannon Miller - thelibraryvoice
AASL - ala_aasl
ALA - americanlibraryassociation
Library of Congress - librarycongress
Hannah Byrd Little - librarianlittle
Great Library Displays - greatlibrarydisplays
We Need Diverse Books - weneeddiversebooks

If you have other library-focused accounts you follow, post in the comments to share with us.