1. Go over assignment guidelines.
2. Find a reference article about the theory on which you are focusing. You will need one database article.
3. Set up Noodletools project
4. Search the databases to apply your theory to the novel of your choice, based on Mrs. Engel's requirements. You will need to select at least one database article to use.
5. Go over Johnson County Library's resources.
1. Set up paper in MLA format.
2. Go to OWL Purdue's website with an overview of literary criticism questions, choose 3-4 questions to answer, and you will answer those about your book on your own. Do this before you read your other database article.
3. Add OWL Purdue article to Noodletools sources and export Works Cited from Noodletools to add to the end of the paper.
4. Review annotated bibliography requirements.
5. Add annotations to Noodletools citations and begin working on annotated bibliography. Export this bibliography when it is done.
6. For your reference: MLA formatting guidelines