Welcome back! I was hoping I could wait to send out a blog post until next week, but I received a lot of good questions the past couple of days that I thought would help everyone.  See below.  

New CIRC Accounts and Web App Dashboards

If you customize your Dashboard home page to open to another page (and not the default), you may notice it does not appear when you log in with your CIRC account.

You can adjust this by going to Manager Options and turning on the Edit Mode.

Choose Manage Dashboards and Themes.

A box appears where you can set the home page for the type of user.  Notice CIRC at the top - see screenshot below.  Click twice in the box of the dashboard you want as the home page. Click once to add a check so the user can see the page.

Charges and Billing Follow-up

You received an email from me with a list of paid bills in Synergy.  Bills you placed in the system at the end of the year were sent to Synergy for families to pay.  We want to make sure the process is working correctly.  Use the billing report along with the directions provided in the checklist to double-check the process.  Our goal is to make sure bills that were paid in Synergy show up in Accessit as paid.  

We will discuss billing going forward this year at our district library meeting next week.  

Please remember to complete the form linked on the directions page letting me know if you had any issues with the report. This will help me work with Accessit to fix any issues.


I see other payments on the Accessit list but they are not listed on the Syngery list.  What do I do?
A: If you notice other items in the paid section in Accessit, you can ignore them.  Some appear from migration last year, while others may be charges that were placed and removed - before we started the official billing cycle.  Disregard at this point.  Our focus at this time is making sure any bill paid in Synergy shows up as paid in Accessit.

What do I do with the anonymized last names that appear on the paid list?
A: Accessit is aware of the issue.  For now, do your best to determine the student by using the price and book title.  


Other items

*Kiosk scanners will be available for pick up at our district library meeting.

*Accessit's Classlink login is not currently working.  The BV Digital Management Team and Accessit are working on the issue.

*Each building's collection has been sent to vendors for the 24-25 school year.  You should see the information reflected in your Titlewave, Macking, BTSB, and Capstone accounts.