Read all of the Trendy 12 books! These books are selected and voted upon by Blue Valley Middle School students from each of the middle schools. 12 great books! Read all 12 and you'll be invited to attend our chocolate fountain party in May!
Past Trendy 12s
Read! Review! Repeat! for each book (new to you) that you read and write a review for you can earn a stamp! Earn 10 and get a prize!
Once you read a book, look it up in our library catalog @
For example, If I read the Paladin Prophecy, I would look it up on the library catalog when I am finished. Click on the black button that says "Write a Review." You can save it as a draft to come back to or you can hit submit when you are finished. Then bring your loyalty card to the circ desk for a stamp. 3 graphic novels = 1 novel but you have to write the review over each one. The Trendy 12s are a separate contest and don't count for this program.
Review Guidelines
A review can be many things. It can recommend a book you liked or was well-written. It can help promote an author’s work. It can also tell people why you didn’t like a book. Remember, though, a review is a piece of writing. This is your contribution to the book, so it is your mission to provide an honest, fresh review of what you read.
Parts of a Review
5 Hard to imagine a better book 4 Better than most 3 Readable/entertaining 2 Needs more work—weak plot, poor writing, whatever 1 How did this book get published?!
from Johnson County Libraries Guidelines for Teen Reviews