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7th grade Argumentative Video Essay: Step 1 Research

Assignment Details

RAD CAB -- when you need help evaluating websites

Research Questions

What is this issue? Why is it relevant?  Why should your audience care about this topic?  Are there people opposed to your topic?  What is the opposite viewpoint?  This difference could be very subtle.  For example, most people would not be in favor of child soldiers.  So what is the opposing viewpoint?  Perhaps the answer can be determined by asking the question, "If the idea of child soldiers is so horrific, why aren't more people involved in ending the use of child soldiers?"

 You must distill your research into the most compelling/informative/interesting facts -- soundbytes. Your audience will not "read" a PSA.  It is meant to be viewed so any text you use must be concise and relevant. Make it stand out!  Take your content expertise that you have developed over the past 3 weeks and turn it into a persuasive and powerful public service message.  Spelling & grammar matter!

What are 3 statistics that support your topic?

A statistic is a collection of data. Here are some examples of statistics:

·         7% of children in Kansas are homeless.

·         People with kidney stones have a 30% higher chance of developing diabetes.

·         One animal every 8 seconds is put down in U.S. shelters each year.

Make sure the website is a reliable source. Neither "" nor "Wikipedia are reliable sources. When searching, try putting in your topic + statistics.

For example: homeless + statistics


What are 10 additional facts about your topic that you think are important?  You may not use all of them, but it’s good to brainstorm what you think is most important to let your peers/teacher know about your topic!


What is the proposed solution?  What do you want people to do after they view your PSA???  Your PSA should answer the question, "So what?" loud and clear! Be specific!  Think creatively and give classmates a specific task or challenge.  For example, if your topic is Pet Adoption, it’s not enough to suggest that people go to Wayside Waifs. Give them specific ideas of what to do: Adopt a homeless pet, become a volunteer, bring old towels and blankets, donate food, treats, or toys, etc.  If you give a website, make sure it has a friendly URL that someone can easily remember!


Choose images, color schemes, and music to support the tone of your PSA.  If it’s not interesting to you, it won’t be interesting to your classmates! 


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