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Humanitarian and Organization Research: Home




The governing board of a highly successful software company is looking for a charitable organization to support. You are working in fundraising for a charity/non-profit organization and need to raise money for the charity, and you are hoping to gain a long term commitment from a new donor. The software company’s public relations chair wants to see how your organization/charity ties to the vision or goals of humanitarians, leaders, and heroes of the past; additionally, she would like to see how your organization is benefitting the local or national or even global community. Securing an investment from this company assures that your charity will have adequate support and thrive for years to come.


Step 1: Start with a person that is or has been a humanitarian. Use the research guide to document relevant information about the person from your research.

Step 2: Research an organization that shares the same vision or supports the same cause as the person you selected to research. Use the research guide to document relevant information about the organization.

Step 3: Use the presentation tool of your choice to create a 3-5min presentation that you will use to pitch to potential investors.


o   Sources should be relevant, reliable, and credible. *Extra credit for the use of primary sources.

o   Presentation must fall within the 3-5min time frame.

o   The information about the person should include the following: Who are they? What did they do? What did/do they stand for? Have they won any awards for their efforts? Why are you interested in the person? How are they connected to the organization/charity you researched?

o   The information about the organization/charity should include the following: What is it? What does it do? Who benefits most significantly from the organization? How do you connect to it? How does the person you researched connect to it?


·         You must use some kind of technology for your presentation: PowerPoint, Prezi, ThingLink, Zohoshow, Presentme etc. (part of being successful is learning how to pick the right tool for the job).

·         You can incorporate pictures, videos, charts, graphs, etc. that will illuminate the person, charity, and your interest in it.


·         Research Notes on the Person (10pts)

·         Research Notes on the Organization/Charity (10pts)

·         The Quality of Information in the Presentation (10pts)

·         The Quality of the Visual Portion of the Presentation (10pts)

·         Speaking Skills during the Live Presentation (10pts)

Total 50pts in reading and ELA


Due Dates

Due Dates:

·         Your research notes must be completed and checked with a teacher before you start creating the presentation. This should be done by Thursday if you hope to finish on time. 

·         The entire project will be submitted to your teacher by email before the start of school on Monday, March 7th. The subject of the email should include your first and last name and “Humanitarian Research Project.”




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