You will create a 2 page newsletter about constructive and destructive forces. On the first page of the newsletter you will choose a destructive force (runoff & erosion, erosion by rivers, groundwter erosion, glaciers, erosion by waves, or wind erosion). On the second page, you will choose a constructive force (volcano or earthquake).
Setting up your newsletter:
1. Go to the start menu > All Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Publisher 2010
2. Under "Most Popular" choose "Newsletters".
3. Pick a template and under options "create" your newsletter.
1. In the header, add a title, your name, and the date, teacher and hour.
2.CONSTRUCTIVE: The second page will include information about volcanoes or earthquakes. You must explain/define the force, provide two examples and locations of landforms, 3 resulting landforms and descriptions, and an explanation of why it is a constructive force. Include 2 additional facts about volcanoes or earthquakes. You must cite any websites you use for information. Include a picture with a caption and cite the website from where the picture was taken.
On the bottom of the newsletter, choose a constructive force example/location that you could travel to go see. Give 5 to 6 facts about the location/example. Include a picture with a caption and cite the website from where the picture was taken.
3. DESTRUCTIVE FORCE: The first page will include information about one destructive force(runoff & erosion, erosion by rivers, groundwater erosion, glaciers, erosion by waves, or wind erosion). You must explain/define the force, provide two examples and locations of landforms, 3 resulting landforms and descriptions, and an explanation of why it is a destructive force. Include 2 additional facts about the destructive force. You must cite any websites you use for information. Include a picture with a caption and cite the website from where the picture was taken underneath the picture.
On the bottom of the newsletter, choose a destructive force example/location that you could travel to go see. Give 5 to 6 facts about the location/example. Include a picture with a caption and cite the website from where the picture was taken.
4. Include a definition and example of the following: erosion, deposition, and weathering. You may choose on your newsletter where this information is placed.
5. Answer the following question about both the forces discussed in your newsletter. How does the force impact the environment and how does the force impact humans? Provide an example for a constructive and deconstructive force. You may choose on your newsletter where this information is placed.
6. Include a bibliography which included any websites in which you find information.
The student will be able to...