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Charlotte Doyle Prereading: Home

Beaufort Wind Scale and Nautical Terms

Research the Beaufort wind scale, Francis Beaufort and nautical terms.

Topic to research in Britannica Encyclopedia: Beaufort scale


Charlotte needs to learn to tie various knots to work in the sail and riggings. Research different knots.

Topic to research in Britannica Encyclopedia: knots

Sailing Ships and Ports

Research common ships of the 19th Century: Brig, Brigantine, Bark, Schooner.

Topic to research in Britannica Encyclopedia: Brig, Brigantine, Bark, Schooner, and sailing ship.

See "Port to Port" and "Sailing Brigs" under documents.

Etiquette of the 1830s

Research etiquette of men and women in the 19th century.

See "Etiquette of the 1830's" under documents.

Pirate Code of Conduct and Pirate Slang

Research the pirate code of conduct and pirate slang.

Education and Careers

Research women's roles in education and careers.

The True Adventures of Charlotte Doyle

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