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Earth and Human Activity: TourBuilder



Tour Builder is a new way to show people the places you've visited and the experiences you had along the way using Google Earth. It lets you pick the locations right on the map, add in photos, text, and video, and then share your creation.

You must have Google Earth installed first.


Why do I need to sign in with a Google account to create tours?

Your Google account gives you a place to save your tours and share them with your friends and family. Learn more about Google accounts here.

How do I upload images or videos to my tour?

In both the Introduction panel and the Placemark panels, you have the ability to add multiple images and videos via the large field labeled "Add Photo". From here you can upload from your local computer, from your Google Drive or Picasa account, or from anywhere on the internet via Google Search.

Can my friends work on a tour with me?

No.  At this time only one person at a time can work on a tour. It is not collaborative.  Only one person may edit at a time. 

Who can see my tour once I've made it?

Only you: your tour is private by default. Once you've finished your tour, just click "share tour" to share it with your friends and family or make it public for anyone to see.

Can I update my tour after creating it?

Yes. You can always can go back and edit your tour on the map: add pins, delete pins, make pins private, etc.

Once I've shared a tour, can I go back and make it private?

Yes. You can always go back and mark your tour as private after sharing it. Anyone who received a link to your tour before you marked it private will be notified that the tour settings have changed.


Tour Builder "How To" Guide

TourBuilder Video Tutorial

You will need to watch these YouTube videos @ home


Mrs. Nocita's Tanzanite example

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