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Honors ELA 9: The Odyssey Argumentative Research

Learning Targets

  • I can utilize the appropriate databases with appropriate search terms to conduct an argumentative research project over a topic of my choosing.
  • I can annotate the information for my argumentative project to help me gather evidence for my perspective.
  • I can accurately cite my sources in MLA format, both parenthetically and in my Works Cited, to avoid plagiarism.
  • I can construct an argument with relevant and credible information to support it, while also including information from the counterargument.

Database Off-Campus Passwords

Odyssey Argumentative Research Timeline

Day 1: Topic selection, Noodletools creation, and source selection

1. Practice argumentative writing with Groovelit.

2. Review assignment guidelines and potential topics.

3. Create Noodletools project and review how to input sources from databases.

4. Review search terms and recommended databases, while filling out your sheet.

Submit your search terms and database sheet to Canvas!

Day 2: Review annotation expectations and complete annotations

1. Review annotation tool and expectations.

Annotations due at the end class to Canvas!

Databases and Online Resources

Blue Valley Library Media | Blue Valley School District #229 | Overland Park, KS 66223