1) Open PowerPoint.
2) Create a slide title "Works Cited," and insert your citations. Make sure you format your citations as closely to MLA guidelines as possible!
3) Click "File" --> "Save As"
4) Save the file as a JPEG in your student folder.
5) Save as "Current Slide Only."
6) Upload your Works Cited page into your project as a picture.
Day 1: Create your audio file
Day 2: Copyright Presentation; find photos and music
Day 3: Edit your video
Day 4: Finish editing and submit project
1) Go to your ELA teacher’s School Center page.
2) Select the forum that she has set up for this project.
3) Choose your class, and click, “Create New Thread.”
4) Title the post with your first and last name.
5) In the text are of your post, type the title of your podcast.
6) Highlight the title and click “Advanced Content Editor.”
7) Click “Hyperlink” and paste the shared link from your Soundcloud file (podcast) into the dialog box.
8) Click “Done.”