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Media and Pop Culture: Fashion Throughout the Decades

Lesson Objectives

  • Students will explain the fashion trends, cultural reasons for fashion trends, and influence of media on fashion trends of an era assigned.
  • Students will create a visually appealing video that covers a variety of information around the fashion trends of the era assigned.
  • Students will utilize the databases to conduct research over the fashion of an era.
  • Students will use copyright-free images, videos, and/or music in their videos.
  • Students will cite information appropriately.

Assignment Timeline

Step 1: Research (Thursday, February 22-Tuesday, February 27)

1. Review and share graphic organizer

2. Review recommended resources

3. Set up collaborative Noodletools project

Graphic organizer DUE at the end of class Tuesday, February 27!

Step 2: Video Creation and Presentation (Thursday, February 29-Tuesday, March 5)

1. Review guidelines for video project.

2. Review WeVideo tutorial, create, and share video

Projects will be presented in the library on Tuesday, March 5th!

Databases and Online Resources

Blue Valley Library Media | Blue Valley School District #229 | Overland Park, KS 66223