Driving Question:
What is the journey an author takes from idea to final publishing?
Purpose: To promote your author and have your audience want to read her/his books.
1. If possible, dress as a character from your author's books. Speak from the perspective of who created you.
2. Introduce Yourself
3. Introduce your author
4. Know what you’re going to say-may need notecards
5. Start at the beginning - don’t jump around your author’s life
6. Have a conclusion (no “so yeah...” endings)
7. Dress business professional if you don't dress as a character from your book.
Webpage Creators
Strikingly Instructional Video (Right click on video and copy url into a new tab to make video full screen.)
Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter Templates
General Guidelines of things to include
Art Example and Canva Templates
Cartoons, Pixels, and Coding Animation
Step by Step Instructions for Graffiti Maker
Publicity Kit: Steps of your Project
Now that you have researched your author, you will create a publicity piece for your author. This piece should creatively promote your author. Include interesting information about your author. Your goal is to promote your author so effectively that other students want to read his or her books.
To see how the information you found in your research can be shared creatively and in a fun way.
To show that text in the modern world doesn’t always have to be formal or written text.
Now that you've finished your research:
Presentation Editing and Sentence Starter Sheets
Presentation Sentence Starter Sheet
Possible Ideas (Choose one):
App on Chromebook--Promotional
Video-ad on YouTube (Adobe Spark or Powtoon)
Instagram post template
Snapchat ad - multiscreen (use templates/slides)
Build scenes from the author's life. Welcome people into the world of the author’s mind-Include scenes from their life that influenced their writing. You can also add snapshots of their books as part of their town, but most work should focus on the author's life.
Quilt/Scrapbook pages about the author and scenes from their book
Bus cover (skim) or mural
Cartoon animation (Powtoon)-should be funny
Board game with typed directions and cards, as well as all tokens, playing pieces, dice, etc.
Author’s dinner table-Menu (about the author) and Table setting with more author information )-Can bring safe serve candy. Dress as a waiter, etc.
Treasure chest of author's life
RSA whiteboard animation or other animation
Song or rap about the author
Popup book or alphabet book about the author's life
“Other” option that a student can create (must be teacher approved)-option must be creative-can be a google slide powerpoint report-ex: poetry series, video game
Design Considerations:
Finding Pictures: Creative Commons
Creative Commons Instructional Video
Fair Use Copyright Statement (use if needed on your project for pictures or links)
“This presentation contains copyrighted
material used under the educational fair
use exemption to U.S. Copyright law.”
(Simpson 70)
Publicity Pieces: Actual Examples