Click on the link to access all passwords. Type the database password provided by your librarians. After school hours, send us an email.
Are you having trouble accessing the databases from home? The password not working? Let us know and we can help. Click here to email us.
Johnson County Library databases require a library card number and pin. No library card? Sign up online for a card. Must be 16 years old or older to do this step. If not 16, you can get a card by going to your local library branch. See Mrs. Munson or Mrs. Grimaldi if you have questions.
1. Be critical evaluators of all information. Of course, we think the library databases provide the best resources - newspapers, magazines, reference articles and more. If you are on the free web like Google, make sure you know the author, source and date. Check to see who hosts the site.
2. Check the article date. If the article date is 2007, find a more recent article. Ideally, you would find an article from the past two years.
3. Narrow your focus with keyword searching.
Suggestion: Go to Opposing Viewpoints or Science in Context. Click the Advanced button > Topic Finder. See details.
4. Once you find a database article, look for suggested topics or related keywords. This can usually be found in the article sidebar.
I found an article! Now what?
* Make sure you save the article. Opposing Viewpoints and Science in Context allows you to save directly to Google Drive.
* Grab the citation (if available). All databases have citation tools.
* Read the article.
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