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Authority, Hysteria & Dissent (Multimedia Project): Home


1.  Block Days, Dec. 2/3: Introduce project; setup project in NoodleTools and share all components; web search/quick-write; locate and evaluate poor web source;

2. Friday, Dec. 4:  locate and annotate one legitimate web source and enter into NoodleTools; begin note cards
Locate database source and annotate; create note cards for database and legitimate web source

3.  Monday, Dec. 7:  Parenthetical citations, works cited 

4. Tuesday, Dec. 8: Google doc; works cited to Google doc

5. Wednesday, Dec. 9: Independent workday

6. Thursday, Dec. 10: Haiku Deck

7. Friday, Dec. 11: Everything due


Research databases
Limit Your Results


ABC Clio

SIRS Researcher

World Book


Bloom's Literature

Donahue Submission

Rinearson Submission

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