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Authority, Hysteria & Dissent (Multimedia Project): Other Tools

Choosing Good Sources

Haiku Deck

10 simple ways to become a #HungryWorm - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires


1.  Go to Haiku Deck.

2.  Create an account (only an email and password required)

3.  OPTIONAL:  puruse the "Gallery" to see examples of other Haiku Decks

4. Select "New Deck" to begin (for more information on getting started, please see the tutorial below).

5.  Create your Haiku Deck with limited text.  (Use pictures and important words or phrases to keep the presentation flowing, but what you SAY during your presentation will elaborate on the slides)

6.  Submit link for Haiku Deck through the Google Form on the LibGuide.

Quick Start Tutorial

Blue Valley Library Media | Blue Valley School District #229 | Overland Park, KS 66223