Happy Friday! We hope you are having a great week!  


Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey on the annual administrator meeting. This feedback helps to evaluate the form and the content of the meeting for next year. Please fill out one per school. Thank you!

Administrator Meeting Feedback - 2024-25 School Year

Another Feature Request completed by Accessit! Yay!

You asked for a way to be notified of denied Interloan requests.  Accessit just created an alert in the Action Bar to notify you.  When an ILL request has been declined by all libraries to whom the request was sent, library staff at the requesting school will receive a notification in the Action Bar: Declined Interloans.



Libguides Tip: Moving a Guide to Your Library's Group

I don’t know how many times this has happened to me - I create a guide and then I notice it doesn’t have my library’s header.  I realize I didn’t put the guide in the right “group”.  Awgh! You can easily change this now.

When you are logged into Libguides, go to the top toolbar - Content > Guides.

Locate the guide from the list. Click the pencil/paper to edit.


Under the guide title, look for Type/Group.  Click the pencil.



Adjust the group on the next window by clicking the drop down arrow for group. Locate your school.


For more information about using Libguides, click Help in the top toolbar of your Libguides editor or click here to view recorded trainings.





Web App Dashboards Tip: Creating Multiple Dashboards


Create multiple dashboard pages that users can access through your home Dashboard page.  

Examples: Create a dashboard for each grade level or design one for specific events or activities.


• To create a dashboard, go to your web app.

• Log in with your CIRC credentials in the top right corner (where it states Guest).

• Go to Manager Options (left side).  Turn on Edit and Manage Dashboards.


• Click Manage Dashboards and Themes.

• Click Add New Dashboard from the new window.

• Click Save Changes and Close.

• To edit this page, click the drop down menu arrow to locate the newly named dashboard.

• Go to Manager Options > Add New Item to begin adding text, links and other resources to the page.

For more information about editing a dashboard, click here.

• Now how do we get others to see this dashboard?  Go back to Manager Options > Manage Dashboards and Themes.

• A new window appears.  Place a checkmark in the box that corresponds with the user.  If you double click, it will place a house - which makes this the home page for that user. Example listed below.

•The user will see it on the Web App menu page under Dashboards.  

Or I highly suggest creating a New Item on the Dashboard home page linking to the new dashboard.  Here is an example from Cedar Hills where Amanda created a dashboard for each grade level and provide a link on the page.

If you would like assistance with updating your dashboards, please reach out to Becca. We can set up a time to meet and go through different ways to edit your dashboards.