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Age of Exploration - Modern World History: Home


You will research an explorer from the Age of Exploration in order to learn his story and trace his journey. You will be provided guiding questions to help you with your research which you will ultimately summarize and use to trace the journey of your explorer.

Library Work Days:

  • Day 1 (Sept. 30th & Oct. 1st): Introduce assignment; choose explorer; begin research
  • Day 2 (Oct. 2nd & 3rd): Finish research; introduce final product
  • Day 3 (October 4th): Continue to work on final product
  • Day 4 (Oct. 7th & 8th): Finish final product

Due Dates:

  • Graphic Organizer (notes page):
    • All classes: due end of day Friday, October 4th
  • Explorer's Voyage (final product):
    • Odd classes: due end of day Monday, October 7th
    • Even classes: due end of day Tuesday, October 8th

**This assignment will be part of the grading period that ends at 3 pm on October 10th!**


  • Sir Francis Drake
  • Ferdinand Magellan
  • Hernan Cortes
  • Francisco Pizarro
  • Hernando de Soto
  • Henry Hudson
  • Vasco de Gama
  • Juan Ponce de Leon
  • James Cook
  • Zheng He
  • Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
  • Amerigo Vespucci
  • Robert de la Salle
  • Sir Walter Raleigh
  • Alfonso de Albuquerque
  • Pedro de Alvarado
  • Samuel de Champlain
  • Jacques Marquette
  • John Cabot
  • Bartolomeu Dias

Database Resources

  • You must use at least three sources, with at least one being a database source. (We suggest starting with World History in Context.)
  • Find a visual resource that is connected to your explorer. (World History in Context has a lot of images connected to each explorer.)
  • All information must be put into your own words. Do not simply copy/paste from your sources.

Final Product: Explorer's Voyage

For your final product, you will create a Story Map that traces the journey of your explorer.

Click here for an example project.

Story Map Requirements:

  • A title and cover image
  • Highlight the five important events/incidents/stops of your explorer's journey
  • Include a relevant picture for each stop of the journey
  • Include ALL researched information from your notes page
    • If you have done a good job with your research, you should be able to copy/paste your information over to your Story Map

How to Create a Story Map Account:

  1. Click "Sign In"
  2. Choose "Continue with Google"
  3. Choose your Blue Valley email
  4. Click "I accept" box and then click "Create Account"
  5. Check your BV email for an account activation email. You MUST do this! Once you click "Activate" in the email, you can begin creating your project.

How to create your Story Map:

  1. Click "Create" in the top right corner, then click "Story."
  2. In your project, click "+" after the title heading.
  3. Scroll down and click "Map Tour."
  4. Click "Start from scratch."
  5. Click "Map Focused" and "Done."
  6. Now you can create your journey!

Submission Directions:

  1. Click "Publish" at top of screen
  2. Under "Visibility," change "Just Me" to "Everyone"
  3. Click "Publish"
  4. Click the "Share" icon (box with square and arrow pointing up)
  5. Click "Copy Link"
  6. Paste this link into your Canvas assignment submission
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