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Dystopian Research - HELA9: Research

Assignment Guidelines

Essential Question: What connections exist between literature and real-world events, either historical or current?

You will make a text to world connection to your novel, finding a real world connection and not only relating it to your novel but also to the dystopian characteristics you've been studying in class. Ultimately, you will create a multimedia presentation, and present your information to the class.

Please refer to the assignment sheet below for complete expectations for your project.

Due Dates:

  • Notecards:
    • Odd Classes: end of day, Wednesday, 11/13
    • Even Classes: end of day, Thursday, 11/14
  • Presentations:
    • All classes: end of day, Friday, 11/15

Presentations begin on Monday, 11/18, and Tuesday, 11/19

Library Schedule:

  • Day 1: Introduce project and begin working on book notecards
  • Day 2: Introduce database research and notecards; continue researching
  • Day 3: Continue working


  • You must use NoodleTools to compile your sources and ultimately create your Works Cited page.
  • The project must be shared with the librarians AND your ELA teacher. (Don't worry - we will go through all of this in class!)
  • ALL sources used (including your book) must be entered into NoodleTools.
  • Your Works Cited will be the last slide of your presentation, so make sure to export it once all of your sources are entered into your project.
  • Have questions? Click on the "NoodleTools" page at the top of this libguide OR ask a librarian!

**Students log in to NoodleTools via Classlink. Once you click on the link, you should be automatically logged in with your BV credentials. If you want access to past projects or have issues getting logged in, ask a librarian.

To add NoodleTools onto your Classlink:

  1. Log in to Classlink.
  2. Click the "+" sign in the top toolbar to open the app library.
  3. Search for NoodleTools in the app library and click "Add."
  4. It should now appear in your Classlink for you to click on and log in.


Your research must support:
  • your explanation of the real world event you are connecting to your novel
  • your analysis in which you compare the novel to the real world connection, using the 7 dystopian characteristics, setting description, character actions, conflict, theme, etc.

Research Requirements:

  • You will use a total of four (4) sources for your research:
    • Your book
    • 3 database articles (you will not use websites)
  • You will create a total of six (6) notecards in Noodletools:
    • Three (3) notecards will be quotes from your book (one quote per notecard)
      • These quotes should support the real world connection you are making.
    • Three (3) notecards will be from your database articles (one notecard per database article)
  • All of your sources must be entered into Noodletools! 

Here are the databases we recommend using for this project:

Notecard Instructions

In-Text Citation Review


  • You must use in-text citations in your presentation to show where you found your information.
  • Anytime you directly quote, paraphrase, or summarize information from another source, you must use an in-text citation.
  • See presentation below for examples and instructions.
  • Have questions? Ask your teacher or a librarian.
Blue Valley Library Media | Blue Valley School District #229 | Overland Park, KS 66223