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Why is this event important in history? What impact has this event had on the world today?: Cite Sources/Take Notes

Research Requirements

Using Noodle Tools to record all your sources and notes.

Login using your school username and your password is your student ID number.

Title Project--Last Name, First Name--Topic

Include Research Question, Subtopics in Thesis section and Share with Project Inbox--How-To Video

Sejkora-Hr-Wonder Research

Mullin-Mall-Hr-Wonder Research

Must have at least 3 sources cited:

Database-->Copy & Paste the given citation--How-To Video

Book-->Use the ISBN number to import the citation--How-To Video

Website-->Pull Information and plug into the correct fields--How-To Video

Note Card for each subtopic--Minimum 3 Notecards

Must have 3 Subtopics

Subtopics for Wonder Research Topics-Choose 3 to focus your note-taking. Explanation Video
Hero Historical Event



Impact on the World


Describe the Event--What happened?

Why did it happen?

People's Reaction

Impact on the world at the time it happened

Impact on the world today

Blue Valley Library Media | Blue Valley School District #229 | Overland Park, KS 66223