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Energy Budget and Energy Poverty: Home

This guide will help students examine the production of energy and learn why many areas of the globe suffer from energy poverty, or a lack of dependable energy. Students will also examine new sources of

Energy Budget and Energy Poverty

Database Resources









Online Resources

Useful Articles in the Study of Energy Budget and Energy Poverty

How Does a Power Plant Work?

No matter what the source of the heat is, power plants that utilize heat to turn water into steam all work very similarly.  This link will discuss how a powerplant works.

How a Powerplant Works

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How does a Nuclear power plant work?

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How Does a Hydroelectric Plant Work?

Example Project

Sunlight-powered 'bulbs' made from plastic bottles light up homes | Environment | The Guardian - News, sport and opinion from the Guardian's US edition

Around 25,000 low-income homes in the Philippines have been lit up after the launch of a scheme to fit sunlight-powered "bulbs" made from old plastic bottles. In a country where 40% of the ...

An Examination of Energy Poverty

Library Media Specialist

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Bill Hume
He, Him, His
Blue Valley High School
6001 W. 159th St, Stilwell, KS 66085

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