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Senior Research - Huppert: NoodleTools

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Most BVSW teachers format their inbox name as follows: Teacher's Last Name, Class Hour, Project Title.  Example: Bowlin, Hour 1, Mythology

You can also collaborate on a project with a classmate by sharing a project with them. To do this:

  1. One group member creates a project in NoodleTools.
  2. Click the "+" icon under the "Sharing" column.
  3. In the "Student Collaboration" box, click "+Add Student."
  4. Type in your group member's NoodleTools username and keep each person as a full collaborator.
  5. Click "Done." If you have more than one group member, you will need to follow these steps for each one.
  6. Your group may have to refresh their NT project page to see the project.
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