Gather and make sense of information to describe that synthetic materials come from natural resources and impact society.
Begin research with: Britannica, World Book Web,or Ebsco and use this link for Petroleum:
**Hero Machine: Design your superhero from the feet up. You can chose everything from hair color, clothing, body type, background, props and companions. The sky is the limit with this website. You can save your character to work on it later.
Steps to Making Your Superhero Character:
-Go to where it says "Welcome to Hero Machine 3" and click on ADVANCED - Choose a Slot
-Click Body and then chose type of body you want (ex: Female Standard)
-Click on the down arrow and click head (ex: Female Standard)
-Click eyes/click multiples so you can choose both eyes
-Click eyebrows/click multiples so you can choose both eyebrows
-Click nose (ex: female standard)
-Click mouth (ex: female standard)
-FOR HAIR--You might have to raise or lower the head to make the hair or head gear fit properly...
-Ears-- You may not need ears because of headgear or hairstyle
Foot Left, Foot Right
Hand Left, Hand Right
-FOR CLOTHING: Chose legwear and tops
Now you are ready to add color! Click on color and then custom color on all three areas
Be creative when making your superhero. Here are a few websites that you can use for this project.
Doppelme: This is a very basic website where you can create a character or avatar. You can screen shot your character and open it in Paint. In Paint crop and edit your picture and save it as a jpeg with your pictures.
Helpful Hints:
--To Screen Shot a page press ALT and PRINTSCREEN at the same time. You can then open or "paste" it in PAINT.
--You can edit and crop your pictures in PAINT.
--You can save your pictures as a jpeg in PAINT.
--Save your work in Google Drive. From the Google search screen type in Google drive. You will put your Blue Valley email address for and then your Blue Valley student id #. It will then go to a blue screen where you will type in your computer user name and log in that you use to get into the computers at school. You can then store your work in Google drive so you can access it from school or home by clicking on the up arrow next to the Create box. Click on the folder or file that you would like to put in your Google drive and then open.
This search box only works at school. To access EBSCO from home, please click on the picture of the sunflowers in the State Library of Kansas box in the Database tab.