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7th Grade Global Citizenship Portfolio: Home

Your school should be from your country. You may choose an elementary, middle, or high school. The school can be public, private, or international. Select a school that has a website with lots of pictures and information! If it is in Spanish, ask how to translate the website.

Project Timeline

Day 1: Intro Criteria, Research 3/10

Day 2: Research/Presentation Prep 3/11

Research due in Noodle Tools 11:59 PM Tuesday, March 11th

Slides Due to Canvas Beginning of Class Wednesday, March 12th

Day 3 & 4:  Presentations in Class 3/12-3/13


1. Login to Noodle Tools

2. Continue to use the same NT project as last semester: Last name, First Name-Country

3. Cite sources before taking notes-->1 ADDITIONAL SOURCE

a) Website--Search country, city and school

i. To Cite-->Select Website, Webpage and manually pull and plug in the information (No Quick Cite)

5. At Least 3 Notecards Titled Appropriately

--check Sources and Notecard Tab


At least 1 ADDITIONAL sources cited correctly in NT

Notecards: (3 Notecards)

1. History:
               name of school
               picture of school (from school website or google maps)
2. Apparel:
               describe the pieces of clothing the students typically wear (uniform or casual clothes)
               picture of the clothing students wear at school (from school website)
3. Schedule:
               first picture of classroom in the school (from school website)
               second picture of classroom in the school (from school website)

Works Cited & 3 English Note Cards Due: 11:59 PM, Tuesday, Mar.11th 

Slide 1: Cover Slide

country name

your real name

name of school

picture of school

In Spanish, tell us your name.

Share what country you are from.

Tell us what school you attend.

Slide 2: Apparel Slide NO WORDS

picture of students in school clothing

In Spanish, describe the pieces of your school clothing.


Slide 3: First Classroom Slide NO WORDS

first picture of classroom in the school

In Spanish, tell us about one class in your schedule.

Include at least 2 activities YOU (yo form) do in that class.

Give us one recommendation of what to do in order to be successful in that class.

Invent logical details as needed!


Slide 4: Second Classroom Slide NO WORDS

second picture of classroom the school

In Spanish, tell us about a second class in your schedule.

Include at least 2 activities YOUR CLASSMATES (ellos form) do in that class.

Give us one recommendation of what to do in order to be successful in that class.

Invent logical details as needed!

Slide 5: Citation Slide (pulled from NoodleTools)

Slides due to Canvas Beginning of Class Wednesday, March 12th
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