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Brain - Psychology: Home

Brain Project

Assignments and Handouts

Science in Context

Database Passwords

Click on the link to access all passwords. Type the database password provided by your librarians.  After school hours, send us an email.


Database Passwords

Option 1

Brain Parts/regions:

  1. Cerebrum
  2. Corpus Callosum                                                                   
  3. Amygdala
  4. Thalamus
  5. Cerebellum
  6. Thalamus
  7. Hypothalamus
  8. Hippocampus
  9. Medulla
  10. Pituitary gland

Create a 3D image of the brain and print using the library 3D Printer.

To do so, access the free software Makerbot Print. Download here for a Mac or PC.

Thingverse provides many examples and ideas.

Option 2

Create a collage of advertisements that seen to appeal to both hemispheres of the brain. This is typically done on a poster board, but can also be done digitally. See Assignment Sheet for full details.

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