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BVM 6th Grade Spanish: Home

Use this Guide to help you complete the identity project.



You are a global citizen of the Spanish-speaking world!  As an exchange student you have the unique opportunity to spend a year at BVMS.  You will be sharing lots of information about yourself and your country with other students.

Google Slides for  Project

Slide 1 - Intro

Slide 2 - What are popular activities in your country? (In Spanish, please.)

Slide 3 - Paragraph about yourself. See handout.

Slide 4 - What do kids like you do in your country?  Put pictures in this slide.

Slide 5 - Paragraph about what kids do in your country?

Notes Section of each Slide - Works Cited ( List links to the websites and databases where you get your information or pictures)

Sample Project #1

Databases to Use

Encyclopaedia-britannica-logo - Wayland ...


Introducing Explora-Academic – MOREnet

JoCo Library - Must have your own card.

Database Help from Home

Open this page to discover how to access databases from home. 

The password is our school mascot.


Profile Photo
Sarah Eckert
Blue Valley Middle School

Sample Project #2

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