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The American Dream Gatsby Research Project - AP Lang: Home

Assignment Overview and Files

You will conduct research using various sources to answer the following research question:

How does Fitzgerald's depiction of (character) serve as evidence to support his position on the American Dream of the 1920s?

Ultimately, you will create a Then & Now collage that represents your research findings and your conjecture as to "who" represents the modern perception of the American Dream. But first, research!

See the assignment guidelines document below for detailed assignment guidelines/expectations.

Work Schedule

  • Day 1, 11/18-11/19: Set up Noodletools project and share with teacher and partner(s); enter book and research question in NT; read articles; finalize hypothesis and enter in NT; begin working on novel notecards
  • Day 2, 11/20-21: Finish finding novel passages; write commentary
  • Day 3, 11/22: Review databases/exporting sources to Noodletools; find literary criticism and work on notecards
  • Day 4, 12/2-12/3: Continue working on literary criticism notecards; fix Bloom's Lit citations in Noodletools; find historical context article(s) and work on notecards
  • Day 5, 12/4-12/5: Finish working on notecards; pile notecards; publish notecards to Google and format
  • Day 6, 12/6: Pile notecards; publish notecards to Google and format document
  • Day 7-9, 12/9-12/13: Work on creative product

Due Dates:

  • Analysis: due end of class, Friday, 12/6, submitted to Canvas
  • Creative Product: due end of class, Friday, 12/13, turned in to teacher


  Log in to Noodletools using Classlink.

If you haven't logged in to Noodletools yet this year, you need to add it to your Classlink:

  1. Click + at the top of Classlink.
  2. Search the app library for Noodletools.
  3. Click "Add."
  4. Now you can access NoodleTools through Classlink.

Make sure all sources are entered into Noodletools!

**Your Noodletools project will be shared with everyone in your group as well as your teacher and the librarians.**

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