Working on your own, you will create a migration story. Below are the requirements for your story.
- Create a new Google Doc in your "World Geography Fall 2024" folder
- Title this document "Migration Free Write - YourLastName"
- Ex: Migration Free Write - Mason
- You are going to make up a story using the following terms
- Your story has to be between 15-20 sentences (no more than 20 sentences!)
- When you use a vocabulary word/term, you need to underline the word/term to get credit
- Use 6 of the following words/terms:
- Migration
- Immigration
- Internal migration
- International migration
- Interregional migration
- Push factor
- Pull factor
- Forced migration
- Voluntary migration
- You can use different tenses of the words above if necessary
- Ex: "My family migrated to Kansas from California in 2015"
If it's "unnatural" to use a term in a sentence, put the term in parentheses after the sentence