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AASL Presentation: 1. Choose a topic and search terms

Topic Narrowing Activity


1. Each student takes a piece of paper and writes their topic at the top. 

2. Each student passes their paper to the right. 

3. Now, students will have another persons paper. They will write a question about the topic listed. 

4. After they have written the question, they will continue to pass the papers around the room until they have added questions to everyone's paper in their group. 

5. Students should now have a list of questions about their topic. They may choose a few to focus their research on.

(Activity idea courtesy of Lisa Wilson, BVSW)

Learning Targets

  • Choose an appropriate topic that is researchable and appropriate.
  • Develop search terms to find the best information to answer your question.
  • Utilize search strategies (i.e.-Boolean searching, filtering) in library databases.

Search Terms Guide

Modified from KU Libraries Handout

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