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AP CAIV Research: Citing Sources

Citing Literary Criticism

Citing literary criticism can be tricky. However, if you use the examples provided on this page, you should be covered.

Creating a Hanging Indent

1.  Highlight your citations.

2.  Right-click on your citations.

3.  Choose Paragraph.

4.  Under Indentation, choose Hanging. (click image for a larger screen shot.)


5.  Click OK.

Alphabetize Citations

1.  Highlight your citations.

2.  In the top toolbar, click HOME.

3.  Choose A to Z Sort button.

Citing from Literary Criticism

Lastname, First name. "Title of Essay." Title of Collection. Ed.

       Editor's Name(s). Place of Publication: Publisher, Year.

       Page range of entry. Medium of Publication.

Citing Each Criticism

Gale Example

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