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Argument Research: Home

Can you argue effectively?

Can you use research to validate your argument?

The password to access the passwords is our school mascot, plural and lowercase.

Research Requirements

Notes need to focus on:

Basic Knowledge about your Issue

*At least 3 database article

Terms needed to understand your issue

Who is affected by your issue

Main controversies -- Viewpoints


Statistics and supportive facts

Key players surrounding this issue

Significant Events that have occurred related to issue -- Look at timeline for the issue

Notecard Criteria:

1. You will need at least 1 notecard per source (possibly more).

2. Notecards need to be titled appropriately (ex. Fast Fashion is Not Fair Trade) and attached to a source.

3. Paraphrased bullets -- IN YOUR WORDS

4. At least 3 quoted Statistics or Statements that support your claim. 

*Statistics or quoted statements that have specific numbers are strong pieces of evidence

Select 1 Issue to Argue Your Position

  1. AI

  2. School Lunches

  3. Voting Age

  4. Zoos & Aquarium

  5. Electric Vehicle

  6. College Education

  7. Privacy rights for teenagers

  8. E-Waste

  9. Fast Fashion

  10. Student-Athlete Compensation (NIL)

Get Started

Using Noodle Tools to record all your sources and notes.


1. Title Project: Last Name, First Name-Topic

2. Share with Project Inbox--How-To Video



3. Cite at least Sources:

Database-->Copy & Paste the given citation--How-To Video-Sirs Database

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