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1960s Decade Project/The Outsiders Pre-Reading Research: Home

Library Resources for the 1960s


Below you will find resources for researching the 1960s. This is not an exhaustive list, but a good way to start your research.

Questions to consider for use in background information and summaries:

How did this topic impact the 1960s?

How does this topic continue to impact American culture today?

Why is it important to know about this topic?

What or who is the topic? Why and how is this person/group/ thing important and/or interesting?

Important facts or details about the event or movement. (provide a timeline if applicable)

How did this event/individual change society?

When you want to search for more specific information in the databases here are the dos and don'ts.

Database to do general searching is GALE or BRITANNICA

DO: search specific terms connected with AND...

Example: 1960s AND music will search for sources containing the words 1960s and music

DON'T search a question like "What was the music of the 1960s?"
DO: Click on "Advanced Search" to put filters on your search if you get too many, like reading level or document type.

DON'T give up after one search term doesn't give you what you want. Try rearranging the words or using synonyms for the word. 

Example: "1960s Cars" doesn't bring up anything, try "1960s AND automobiles"

Looking for images? SIRS ProQuest is a good spot! Click here to access.

HOW TO Cite a WEBSITE -- Make sure it is a valid source first

HOW TO Cite BRITANNICA              HOW TO Cite GALE

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