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Science Safety Comic: Home

Goal: Engage Scientists in Science Safety Expectations through Comic Strip Form

Comic Strip Expectations

  • Groups of 2 to 3
  • 2 Expectations per person (everyone must have different expectations within the same group)
  • Comic strip must clearly identify safety expectations with visuals aiding in the clarification
  • The comic strip must be cohesive across all group members contributions (meaning the strip needs to look one storyline)
  • Use Canva Comic Strip templates to aid in the making of comic

1. I will act responsibly at all times in the classroom. I understand that horseplay, jokes, and pranks are not appropriate in a science classroom.

2. I will follow all instructions, written and verbal, about the laboratory procedures given by the teacher. If I do not understand any instruction, I will ask the instructor.

3. I will not touch any equipment or supplies until instructed to do so by the teacher.

4. I will perform only those activities that have been authorized by the teacher. I will never do
anything that is not called for by the procedure. I understand that unauthorized experiments are forbidden.

5. I will keep my table and the area around it clean and neat.

6. I will wear my safety goggles whenever we are working with chemicals or heat. I understand that there are no exceptions to this rule.

7. I will immediately notify the teacher of any emergency or in the event of equipment problems or broken, cracked or damaged equipment. Do not clean up any broken glass, notify the teacher. (Glass will not be disposed of in the regular trash cans.)

8. I will tie back long hair, baggy clothes, and dangling jewelry while doing a laboratory activity.

9. I know whom to contact for help in case of an emergency. I will know the locations and operation of safety features in the science room and lab. This includes the emergency exits, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and goggles.

10. I will not take anything out of the classroom without permission from the teacher.

11. I will never eat, drink, or chew gum during laboratory activities unless instructed to do so by the teacher. I will not use classroom equipment as containers for food or drink.

12. I will clean up my lab station to its original condition and dispose of any waste according to the instructor. The sink will be free from all debris. I will wash my hands with soap and water after working in the lab.

13. I will only handle living organisms when authorized to do so by the teacher.

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