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Kansas Vacation: Screencast


Screencast Process


• Outline the presentation-Look at Criteria Below

Draw out a story board with what you want your video to look like


Criteria for Final Kansas Road Trip Project

  1. Include ALL three locations

    1. For each location include 4 Themes of Geography and Human-Environment Interaction for ONE of the locations. Example below…

      1. Location 1 - Photos

        1. Absolute OR Relative Location

        2. Place (What is it like when you get there? Human and Physical Characteristics)

        3. Region

        4. Movement

      2. Location 2 - Photos

        1. Absolute OR Relative Location

        2. Place (What is it like when you get there? Human and Physical Characteristics)

        3. Region

        4. Movement

      3. Location 3 - Photos

        1. Absolute OR Relative Location

        2. Place (What is it like when you get there? Human and Physical Characteristics)

        3. Region

        4. Movement

        5. Human-Environment Interaction (This does not need to be added to your last location. It just must be added with ONE of your locations).

    2. As you are driving from location to location, be sure to briefly describe the route you are taking. This can be major highways or interstates.

      1. Add your Google Maps photo into the final project, too.

    3. If you are stopping for food in a different place than one of your locations, be sure to include that in your route.

      1. Also include pictures! Mention the name of the restaurant. 

    4. If you are eating at a restaurant close (in the same city/town) as one of your locations, be sure to include pictures and mention the restaurant(s).

    5. Either add a screenshot of your playlist, or have the music playing the background, QUIETLY. 


• Compose script--include sources at the end of the video

• Practice the script


  • Use Canva --> Presentation --> Talking Presentation

  • Create you slides appealing to the eye --> No more than 6 words per slide

• Record voiceovers in short segments

• Save often!


• Review the completed recording

Presentation will be between 1:30 – 3:00 minutes.

 0:00 – :59 3 points

 1:00 - 1:29 5 points

 1:30 – 3:00: 7 points

 Every 10 seconds over 3 minutes, you lose 1 point. 

• Publish or share the final piece

Blue Valley Library Media | Blue Valley School District #229 | Overland Park, KS 66223