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PRMS 8th Grade: Civil War Final: Step 2: Project



Your task: Artifact Write Up

Artifact Write Up

Your Task: Civil War Artifact

  • Stop Motion Animation (get username and pw from Utley)
  • Quilt/Scrapbook
  • Artwork or mural
  • Political Cartoon
  • Board game with typed directions and cards, as well as all tokens, playing pieces, dice, etc.
  • Personal Narrative
  • Treasure chest 
  • Song or rap (original)
  • Popup book or alphabet book 
  • Poetry
  • Graphic Novel pages
  • Scrapbook or Photo Album
  • Build a Scene
  • Story
  • Magazine
  • Food of the Civil War
  • Interview an active duty military member  or veteran and compare and contrast their job/experience as a soldier with a similar role during the Civil War (for example a present day medic and a Civil War medic- daily life, uniforms, belongings, procedures, technology)


(Other creative project of your choice-Must be creative, not a poster, google slides, report, etc. Must be teacher approved.)


Mural: Mutiny on the Amistad by Henry Woodruff

Design Consideration


  • Effective Color Scheme: Colors evoke emotions such as joy, sadness, etc. Be thoughtful in your color scheme. Does it further your content and the mood you want to create for your page?


  • Usability: Is your artifact user-friendly? Is information clear and precise? Nothing is more frustrating than having to search for buried content.


  • Copyright, Original Content, and Pictures: It is against the law to use content that you did not create without permission.  Using pictures without permission can result in large fines. You need to get permission for anything you did not create. Although some websites offer free content, be sure you read the fine print to make sure you are complying with copyright law. This does not apply to book covers or things you have already sourced in your Noodletools Sources.
  • Grammar, Grammar, Grammar! Your website is considered public domain, which means anyone can read it. A website that is not professional will be dismissed as not having accurate information. This includes grammatical mistakes. Proofread, then have someone else proofread, then proofread some more!



Finding Pictures and Other Resources


Creative Commons 

Creative Commons Instructional Video


Fair Use Copyright Statement (use if needed on your project for pictures or links)

 “This presentation contains copy- righted material used under the educational fair use exemption to U.S. Copyright law.”


(Simpson 70)

Canva Tutorial

You may also use a creation app if you have one that would work for this project (Ex: book creator, a design app, etc.) We have ipads for you to use as needed.

Traditional Panel:
(signing up means it saves online, not signing up means you download it)

 Graffiti Maker

Step by Step Instructions for Graffiti Maker





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