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Industrial Revolution & The World's Fair Exhibition: Home

The World's Fair

 Wright and Chicago | Frank Lloyd Wright Trust

World's Fair Research

Directions: After selecting a topic from the list of topics below, you will research that topic. You are required to use at least 3 sources. Two are provided for you below; you will need to find at least one more source on your own using the books provided in the library, or using one of the databases listed below. As you research, you will take notes and keep track of your citations using Noodle Tools. Look over the "START HERE" box below to begin your Noodle Tools notes. 


Log in to Noodle Tools here. 

Noodle Tools Help:

Notecards Requirements:

  • You will need at least 3 notecards, one from each of your 3 sources.
  • Direct Quotation: In this section, you want to gather the information from the sources that are helpful to your research, This is where you can copy and paste information from your source that you think is important. You can make a bulleted list of all the information you want to keep notes on. This is just the important information you need, not the whole article! These are direct quotes, so you can copy and paste!
  • Paraphrasing or summary: This is where you paraphrase or summarize the information that you put in the direct quotation section. To paraphrase, you should be restating the meaning of the text from the quotes, but using your own words. 
  • My ideas: This should be your own original thoughts on the information! Answer your essential question here.
    • How did art, culture, industry, technology, politics, and reform movements impact America at the dawn of the 20th century?
    • How could/will this change the lives of Americans?


Machinery, Manufacturing, & Mines

Oil - John Rockefeller

Steel - Andrew Carnegie

Assembly Line - Henry Ford

Coal Mining

Automatic Dishwasher - Josephine Cochrane

Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell

"Clasp Lockers" - Walker and Judson

Telautograph (Early Fax Machine) - Elisha Grey

Wireless Telegraph


Clark Cell Battery


Remember, you are required to find at least one additional source on your own. You can use the books in the library, or use one of the databases listed below.

Tips For Effective Search Strategies (Video)

Blue Valley Library Media | Blue Valley School District #229 | Overland Park, KS 66223