World's Fair Research
Directions: After selecting a topic from the list of topics below, you will research that topic. You are required to use at least 3 sources. Two are provided for you below; you will need to find at least one more source on your own using the books provided in the library, or using one of the databases listed below. As you research, you will take notes and keep track of your citations using Noodle Tools. Look over the "START HERE" box below to begin your Noodle Tools notes.
Noodle Tools Help:
Notecards Requirements:
Subway System |
Elevated Rail "Third Rail" |
Early Electric Auto and Marine Motors |
Internal Combustion Engine |
Railroads (1883-1903) |
Cornelius Vanderbilt |
The Wright Flyer - Orville, Wilbur, Katherine Wright |
Buffalo Bill Cody |
Cowboys, Livestock, and Ranching |
Farming and Agriculture |
"Closing of the Frontier" Frederick J Turner |
Sand Creek Massacre |
Wounded Knee Massacre |
Dawes Act |
Ghost Dance |
Red Cloud |
Sitting Bull |
Crazy Horse |
Indian Reservations & Assimilation |
Sherman Anti-Trust Act and Monopolies |
Labor Unions |
Eugene Debs |
Samuel Gompers |
Haymarket Tragedy |
Populism |
Laissez Faire & Capitalism |
George Westinghouse - Alternating Current |
Nikola Tesla - Phosphorescent Light Bulbs |
Thomas Edison - Direct Current |
L. Frank Baum |
Emma Lazarus (Poetry) |
Mark Twain |
Robert Frost |
Jack London |
Upton Sinclair |
Anna Katherine Green |
Edith Wharton |
Jules Verne |
The Ferris Wheel |
Clothing Fashion (1883-1903) |
Scott Joplin - Pianist (Race Issues, Music) |
John Philip Sousa - Composer |
Joseph Douglass - Violinist |
Sissieretta Jones - Opera Singer |
Harry Houdini (Immigration, Entertainment) |
Painting |
Sculpture |
1889-1890 Flu Pandemic |
1900-1904 Bubonic Plague (San Francisco) |
1878 Yellow Fever Pandemic (New Orleans & Mississippi) |
1918 Influenza Pandemic |
Open Heart Surgery with Dr. Daniel Williams (Medicine, Racial Issues) |
X-Rays |
Pasteurization |
Antiseptic Surgery |
Oil - John Rockefeller |
Steel - Andrew Carnegie |
Assembly Line - Henry Ford |
Coal Mining |
Automatic Dishwasher - Josephine Cochrane |
Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell |
"Clasp Lockers" - Walker and Judson |
Telautograph (Early Fax Machine) - Elisha Grey |
Wireless Telegraph |
Phonograph |
Clark Cell Battery |
Irish American Immigrant Rights |
Chinese American Immigrant Rights |
Susan B. Anthony |
Ida B. Wells |
Elizabeth Cady Stanton |
Frederick Douglass |
W.E.B. Du Bois |
Booker T. Washington |
Ellis Island |
Angel Island |
Settlement Houses |
Jane Addams of Chicago |
Chester A Arthur |
Grover Cleveland |
Benjamin Harrison |
William McKinley |
Theodore Roosevelt |
16th Amendment |
17th Amendment |
18th Amendment |
19th Amendment |
Thomas Nast - Political Cartoonist |
The Pledge of Allegiance - Frank Bellamy |
Criminal Justice and Forensic Techniques |
Remember, you are required to find at least one additional source on your own. You can use the books in the library, or use one of the databases listed below.