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Biology - Homeostatis and Body Systems: Scientific Paper

Paper Format

Dictionary:  Launch the dictionary when reading your article by pressing down with three fingers on the trackpad.  Make sure you highlight the word first.




Title and Author Information

Usually includes the topic or subject.  The author includes the level of education or another source of credibility.


A summary of the study.  Start here first to get an overview and make sure it fits your needs.  


Background information is presented along with the goals of the study.  Often, it will include other publications about this topic.


Describes the research and results. Tables, graphs and other data sets are presented.


Analysis of the data and implications of the work.  


Provides information about the study.


List all sources utilized throughout the study.

Williams, Mary. "How to Read a Scientific Paper." American Society of Plant
     Biologist, PDF ed., 2013.

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