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Into The Wild: Home

Turning in Note Cards

Save your note cards to Mrs. Bolton's folder on the Resources drive.

In your Powerpoint, go to SAVE AS.

Locate the Resources drive (R:).

(To find the Resources drive - click Computer located on the left side of the save as box.)

Click Teachers.

Look for Bolton. Open Inbox.

In this folder, choose Buchanan or Scanlon.

Then locate your hour.  

Name your note card file by your last name.

Click Save.


If you finish at home and want to turn them in by email, please email Mrs. Bolton at


Learning Targets

With your group determine your position on:

The Blue Valley school board is evaluating the merit of the novel Into the Wild. You must give a presentation that either defends the novel (FOR) or rationalizes why it should not be taught in Blue Valley schools (AGAINST).

  • Using the databases and resources provided, find 2 articles to support your stance.
  • Using the articles, create 4-6 note cards. Note cards will include a direct quotation, paraphrased information, and MLA citations.


Blue Valley Library Media | Blue Valley School District #229 | Overland Park, KS 66223