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AP CA III - Researched Argument: Home

Modern Day Witch-Hunt Researched Argument

Learning Targets

1. Identify which databases are the best for your search.

2. Find 5 articles with information that supports your topic using advanced searches, keywords, synonyms and boolean connectors, etc.

3. Be sure you find information on the opposing viewpoint.

4. Complete 10 note cards and turn in to Mrs. Bolton (due Friday 9/28 by the end of your hour).

Turning in Note Cards

Save your note cards to Mrs. Bolton's folder on the Resources drive.

In your Powerpoint, go to SAVE AS.

Locate the Resources drive (R:).

(To find the Resources drive - click Computer located on the left side of the save as box.)

Click Teachers.

Look for Bolton.

In her folder, choose Ostroski.

Then locate your hour.  

Name your note card file by your last name.

Click Save.


If you finish at home and want to turn them in by email, please email Mrs. Bolton at


Just a Funny...

Madsen, Wayne. Forcing Untested Vaccines on Any American Directly Violates...McClatchy - Tribune News Service. Oct 15, 2009. SIRS Researcher.

In-Text Citations

Blue Valley Library Media | Blue Valley School District #229 | Overland Park, KS 66223