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Nonfiction Book Exploration - AP Lang: Home

Search for a Book

Please note:

  • If you request a book from another Blue Valley school, you will receive a Canvas message when your book arrives. 
  • If you request a book from the JoCo Public Library, a message will be sent to the email address associated with the person whose name is on the library card (meaning if you are using mom's card, she will receive the email). 
  • Please check for messages letting you know that your item has arrived! Books are only held for one week at BVSW & JoCo libraries.

**Neither your librarians nor your AP Lang teacher would ever require you to purchase a book for class. However if the book you want is not available through the Blue Valley libraries or JoCo Public library, you have the option to purchase your book from a bookstore or online retailer.

Helpful Resources

Need more suggestions? Check out the links below.

Still need or want more suggestions? Do some google research. Try searching by the specific subject you want to read about (i.e. "best true crime books for teens") or do broad searches (i.e. "best nonfiction books of all time," "best nonfiction books of 2024," etc.).

Don't hesitate to ask Mrs. Bowlin or Mrs. Rinearson for suggestions if you are lost or overwhelmed. We are here to help!

Blue Valley Library Media | Blue Valley School District #229 | Overland Park, KS 66223