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Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution: focus on 1870's-1920

Essential Questions:  

1.  What were the consequences of the rise of industry in the United States?  Why were they significant?

Changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology had a profound effect on the social, economic and cultural conditions of the times in the United States.


Task:  Research the selected industry.  Report on the prosperity of the industry to the public.  Give details about how the industry grew during the American Industrial Revolution.  Methods of reporting can include:  News coverage, radio feature, special edition of an article, other method that is approved.


Guiding questions:

1.  What was important about the industry?

2.  How did it grow?

3.  How were the goods used?

4.  How did the industry help the American economy?

5.  How did the industry influence the American worker?

6.  How did technology affect the industry?

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