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The Great Gatsby (2022 Q2 Summative Assessment): Home

Project Info

Day 1:

  • Tour of LibGuide
  • NoodleTools: Setup project (add Research Question, share with inbox)
  • Databases: begin finding historical articles, narrowing focus, and finding best evidence 
    • you must educate yourself on the topic before you can take a position and begin collecting evidence!

Day 2:

  • Noodletools: Continue creating your working bibliography (Add every potential source you might include in your final project! You can go back and delete any you don't use later.)
  • Noodletools: Begin creating note cards (direct quote and my idea boxes only)
  • Work time / teacher check-in

Day 3:

  • Noodletools: look at example notecards; continue creating notecards; don't forget to include your parenthetical (in-text) citations for your direct quotes!
  • Work time / teacher check-in
  • Example Google Research Doc

Day 4:

  • Continue working on notecards, focusing on second question, connecting book to complex issue
  • Work time / teacher check in

Day 5:

  • Work on third research question; continue working on notecards
  • Talk about research document (see example) - Ms. Winters' classes
  • Reminder of how to export Works Cited from Noodletools - Ms. Winters' classes
  • Work time / teacher check in

Day 6: (Mrs. Rinearson's class)

  • Talk about research document (see example)
  • Continue working on notecards
  • Work time / teacher check in
  • Reminder how to export Works Cited and put in final document

Assignment Files

Database Access

Historical Research

You will create 3 notecards using at least one database source to answer this question:

How did this complex issue shape the 1920's?

Gatsby Research

You will create 5 notecards using the novel to answer this question:

How was this complex issue portrayed in The Great Gatsby?

Contemporary Research

You will create 3 notecards using at least one database to answer this question:

How does this complex issue manifest in American society today?

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